Friday 6 September 2013

Speed posting

Hmm so I can't really think of much I want to say today so I'll keep it brief. It's been a wobbly kinda week and I'm tired (nothing new there then! Haha). Time to change village tomorrow, but not until after our first guide meeting back after the summer holidays. So exciting things for tomorrow.
As for today, I have an offer I thought I'd share, whether or not that's exciting or not I'm not sure. It's exciting to me cos it involves free nail Polish.
I must admit I'm a sucker for a freebie. In that person who buys something they don't want just because something else they don't want comes free with it Haha. In this case however the freebie is a full size nails Inc Polish when you but colgate MaxWhite ONE. There's a choice of two reds made for the offer. The toothpaste.... Well I'll use it and let you know I guess lol I doubt I would have bought it otherwise... though tbf after years of smoking (quit in Feb, Yay!) and intermittent ED behaviors my teeth could do with a helping hand in the whiteness department so we'll see.
The polish I HAVE tried obviously Haha. What can I say about that? I picked the metallic red since I already have a couple of bright reds. I really like the colour actually... though it will forever be called colgate red in my mind haha, I think the real name is luminous? And I love nails Inc a lot anyway, they're always so easy lol.
But hey I'm not really a polish reviewer (does it show? Lol). So I'll leave you with a pic and the information that the offer is available at boots while stocks last, free polish when you but one £3.99 tube of colgate maxwhite ONE.

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